Hankimuye: a unique Korean martial art
Rooted in tradition, suitable for today and ready for the future.

Hankimuye can be translated as: Korean martial art. Hankimuye is a traditional martial art with a modern twist. It was influenced by many other martial arts. In a sense you can also call it a mixed martial art, being a bit different kind of mma than you might expect.
Hankido and hapkido
The biggest influence on Hankimuye is without a doubt hankido. Hankido was developed by the late grandmaster Myung Jae-nam (명재남). Myung Jae-nam was already a respected hapkido (합기도) master when he got inspired by Japanese aikido. He started to devote his time and energy to the study of martial arts principles. Hankido doesn’t focus on teaching numerous, often impractical, techniques but instead teaches the students to apply the general principles of self-defence.
What is hankido?

Master Myung Jae-nam constructed twelve basic exercises, hosindobeop (호신도법) that help the student to gain insight into the three basic principles of hankido; circle or won (원), flow or yu (류) and harmony or hwa (화). The twelve hosindobeop are accompanied by two visualization exercises, hwansangdobeop (환상도법), that the student can use to practice solo when no training partner is present. The 24 hwansangdobeop also enable the student to better focus on his body posture, balance, efficiency and flow of movement.
Hankido is a sophisticated martial art but keeps a strong focus on practical application.
Myung Jae-nam received the title kuksanim (국사님), which can be translated a teacher of the Korean people. His goal was to create a unique Korean martial art. A Korean martial art, but practiced by people of all nations!
Master Ko Baek-yong

Myung Jae-nam’s most prominent student was master Ko Baek-yong. After his teacher passed away in 1999 master Ko Baek-yong started the Sangmukwan International Training Center (상무관 국제 수련원). At this training center students can stay for several weeks at a time to learn hankido. International hankido courses take place annually at the center. In 2014 master Ko Baek-yong moved his school to Incheon and founded the World Hankimuye Federation (세계 한기무예 연맹). This federation has affiliated schools in Korea, The United States, Haiti, Brazil, The Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Germany and Turkey. The federation offers international dan (단) certification and instructor courses.
Over the years master Ko Baek-yong developed a vision on how martial arts should be practiced. He didn’t view a martial art as a set of techniques, but as a movement system based on coherent principles. Master Ko Baek-yong was not afraid to innovate and try ways. He was influenced a lot by the principles of Taichi and how balance is emphasized in this Chinese martial art.
After master Ko Baek-yong passed away in 2017 his most prominent students took it upon themselves to spread the art of hankimuye. Under the guidance of master Ko’s son, Ko Sehwan, they aim to both preserve the spirit of hankimuye. In recent years a lot of progress has been made to teach hankimuye in a way that focuses on practical application of the governing principles. The World Hankimuye Federation works closely with masters from other systems.
Join us

The World Hankimuye Federation is actively seeking schools that want to represent our federation. Instructors who are seriously interested in learning hankimuye are invited to try a two-year preliminary membership at discounted rate. In this period an international instructor of our federation will visit your school twice to teach a week long seminar. You will be invited to attend two international seminars at the federation’s headquarters in South-Korea.
At the end of the preliminary membership, considerations will be made for a full membership. If you are interested in learning the wonderful martial art that is hankido, contact us on Facebook or send an email to hankido@gmail.com.
Free DVD
You can now download master Ko Baek-yong’s first Hankido DVD for free.
Download the zip-file to your computer and burn the VIDEO_TS folder to a DVD-R.
You can use the artwork file to print your own cover.
- DVD download (3.66 GB)
- Artwork download (14 MB)
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